By Jennifer S. Wilkov, host of the “Your Book Is Your Hook!” Show on WomensRadio
BookExpo America (BEA) is bringing back New York Book Week to take place during the week of BEA, May 23rd – 27th, 2011. New York Book Week will include public “main stage” author programs as well as smaller events at libraries in the New York Public Library (NYPL) system and chain and independent bookstores throughout New York City and its boroughs.
New York Book Week embraces all literary and book activity, and expands the awareness of authors, books and publishing.
Most of the New York Book Week events throughout New York are FREE!
Events around New York City can be found at the Apple Store in Soho, various Barnes & Noble locations, the Borders at Columbus Circle, Symphony Space on the Upper West Side and several locations of the New York Public Library. There are also events scheduled at the Center for Fiction in Midtown, The Bryant Park Reading Room, New York University, the NYU Journalism Institute, the McNally Jackson Bookstore in Soho, the Steuben Flagship Store, 192 Books, the Brooklyn Public Library, The powerHouse Arena (Brooklyn), the Greenlight Bookstore (Brooklyn) and Word (Brooklyn). For a full listing of the events, times and locations, refer to
BookExpo America (BEA) will be featuring events and conferences which will be held at the Jacob Javits Center before and during New York Book Week. BEA’s Global Market Forum: Ciao, Italia! which will be
held on Monday, May 23rd, 2011, focuses on publishing in Italy. BEA will present conference sessions, exhibits, and off-site cultural events focusing on Italy’s rich literary heritage as well as the business challenges the Italian publishing industry faces as globalization and competition both intensify. The Big Ideas at BEA Conference will be held throughout BEA and features fresh sessions where you’ll learn about the latest trends, developments, and technologies affecting the book industry.
For those who are interested in Do-It-Yourself or DIY publishing, BookExpo America will once again offer The BEA DIY Authors Conference & Marketplace on Saturday, May 21st. This conference is where aspiring writers will get critical information and solutions to help them get published or self published. They will also meet the industry’s most respected DIY service providers who are offering services to aspiring authors or those looking to package your content in book form.
There are also simultaneous conferences taking place this year at the Javits Center before and during New York Book Week.
The International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) Digital Book Conference held Monday and Tuesday. May 23 – 24, 2011, will include what’s new in devices, apps, business models, publishing “best practices”, EPUB, and more.
The American Booksellers Association (ABA) Day of Education at Book Expo America will be held on Monday, May 23, 2011. The ABA’s learning sessions are designed to help bookstores achieve profitability, differentiate themselves from their competition, and adapt to a constantly evolving retail landscape. The Day of Education continues and builds upon the program begun at ABA’s Winter Institute in Washington, DC, in January 2011. The Day of Education curriculum also includes programming for children’s booksellers from the Association of Booksellers for Children.
The Audio Publishers Association Conference (APAC) at Book Expo America will be held on Monday, May 23, 2011, and is the premier event in the audiobook industry designed to address industry trends, meet the varying needs of audiobook industry professionals, and provide networking opportunities for industry leaders and newcomers.
The second annual Book Bloggers Convention will take place on Friday, May 27, 2011, and is a one-day event providing instruction, interaction, and creative space for book bloggers and publishing industry professionals. Programming includes a keynote address from Sarah Wendell of the popular romance blog Smart Bitches, Trashy Books and offers participants the opportunity to choose from five workshops and break-out sessions with leading bloggers and industry pros.
The Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) Annual Publishing University at BookExpo America will be held on May 22 – 23, 2011, at the Javits Center just prior to BEA and brings you hands-on tools and techniques to succeed in a world where the only constant is perpetual change. The keynote address entitled “Unlocking Your Future: Paths to Success In A Changing World” will be delivered by Skip Prichard to open the conference and the presentation of this year’s Benjamin Franklin Awards will occur at the end of the conference.
The new BlogWorld Expo & New Media Expo NY will be held on May 24th – 26th, 2011, and provides opportunities to learn about Content Creation, Distribution, Monetization and Social Media Marketing strategies. “After a record-setting 40% attendance growth at our event in 2010, and due to a huge demand from bloggers and social media professionals from across the eastern United States and Canada, we decided it was time to launch our East Coast event this year,” explained BlogWorld & New Media Expo CEO and co-founder Rick Calvert.
“By co-locating BlogWorld East with BookExpo America, we are creating the first real convergence of new media and traditional media. The capital of traditional media is playing host to the largest gathering of social media professionals and new media content creators in the world. Both communities have a truly unique opportunity to learn from the brightest minds each has to offer.” explained Calvert. “It’s exciting to think about the potential for new ideas and business opportunities that will result from BlogWorld and BookExpo America happening side by side.”
Steven Rosato, Show Manager for BookExpo America commented: “This is a perfect fit for BookExpo America. We have been building our blogger base and social media has emerged as a powerful force in book publishing and marketing in recent years. We are a vested partner with BlogWorld & New Media Expo and we will work closely with them to sell, promote and build their show. We expect this association will strongly benefit our respective attendees and exhibitors for many years to come. Reed Exhibitions has wide international reach and as a leading organizer of business to business events we not only plan to build awareness for BlogWorld & New Media Expo in America but throughout the world as well.”
The new Publishers Launch Conference will be held on Wednesday, May 25th, 2011, and supports attendees with mastering the opportunities (and overcoming the challenges) of the digital transition. Publishers Launch Conference at BEA: eBooks Go Global is the first-ever all-day BEA event specifically addressing the educational needs of high-level international visitors and those who do business with them. It’s also directed at those who want to exploit one of the deep pockets of digital growth: global eBook sales.
Produced by two renowned thought leaders about digital change in publishing – consultant Mike Shatzkin, founder of The Idea Logical Company and blogger at The Shatzkin Files, and Michael Cader, creator of Publishers Lunch (the world’s largest book publishing daily) and – Publishers Launch Conference at BEA: eBooks Go Global will feature presentations from those in the US who already have deep digital experience alongside key international executives and representatives from the global giants who are building the world’s eBook infrastructure and sales channels.
This day-long program will cover the big North American-based retailers and distributors (Apple, Amazon, Google, Ingram, Kobo and Overdrive – plus Barnes & Noble and more) who are building distribution networks that will extend to every language and every corner of the globe, and will suggest how international publishers – which in the new paradigm will be most publishers – can maximize the opportunities they present.
In addition to these conferences, BookExpo America will host more than 775 authors in the Author Autographing Area and In-Booth Autographing session happening daily. John Lithgow, Michael Moore, Charles Frazier, Jane Lynch and Jane Fonda will be appearing during Signature Events scheduled through BEA. This is your best opportunity to meet them all one-on-one, from best-selling to first-time and up-and-coming, representing a full spectrum of topic areas. Plus you’ll also see previously published authors in addition to newly published authors.
There will also be special events with authors including the Author Breakfasts emceed by Julianne Moore (Children’s Breakfast held Tuesday, May 23rd), Mindy Kaling (Adult Breakfast held Wednesday, May 24th, including an appearance by Diane Keaton), and Jim Lehrer (Adult Breakfast held Thursday, May 25th, including an appearance by Roger Ebert) and the APA Tea held on Wednesday afternoon, May 24th, which will be emceed by Star Jones.
BookExpo America also caters to other cultural venues in New York City by offering Museum Day at BEA on Wednesday, May 25th, during which BEA will welcome museum store buyers to discover unique books, remainder books, stationery, educational toys and games, and other non-book items.
Attendees of BEA can take advantage of the BEA Coupon Book and discover New York City with more than 50 discounts to area dining, retail and entertainment venues exclusively for BEA attendees.
With more than 1,300 exhibitors, 775 authors, 8 simultaneous conferences and booksellers, librarians, and a variety of other book industry professionals and writers, not to mention the vast number of events being offered around New York City throughout the week, New York Book Week is your week to plug into the book publishing industry.
Jennifer’s show can be heard every week on Tuesday mornings at 9am when it is broadcast on and syndicated on Google News and Each show is archived for replay listeners in different time zones and countries.
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