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The Legal Corner

Many authors and writers wish they could better understand the legal facets of the stories they craft before, during and after the various stages and pages of their project have been completed.

Your Book Is Your Hook! recognizes this need to know.

In this Legal Corner webinar, join Jennifer S. Wilkov, a nearly 20-year literary and Hollywood consultant and a multi #1 best-selling author who is known at The Literary Agent Matchmaker(TM) and Joseph Perry of Perry Literary, Inc. and The Law Offices of Joseph J. Perry P.C. as we discuss The Ins & Outs of Publishing Contracts.

Right of Privacy/Publicity: Writing about Real People

Webinar with Live Q&A


This webinar includes a Live Q&A where you will have the opportunity to ask questions and get professional, actionable guidance about the ins and outs of publishing contracts.

With nearly 20 years in publishing, Jennifer is a multi #1 international, best-selling, award-winning author; an award-winning freelance writer, a professional developmental editor (EFA), and a sought-after book and business consultant. As The Literary Agent Matchmaker(TM), she knows that legal matters matter when it comes to protecting the projects you have worked so long and hard to write and craft.

Meet Joseph Perry

Joseph Perry is a publishing attorney who counsels authors, editors, agents, publishers, and other creatives in the book and magazine publishing industries. Joseph is also the founder of the literary agency, Perry Literary, where he represents nonfiction authors, which has produced two Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestsellers: The Unofficial Disney Parks Cookbook by Ashley Craft (Adams Media) and The 32 Principles of Jiu-Jitsu by Rener Gracie and Paul Volponi (Benbella). He received his JD from St. John's University School of Law, and holds a BA and MA in English from St. Bonaventure University. Prior to founding his law practice and literary agency, Joseph worked as a legal analyst at Sony Music Entertainment.

Reserve your seat in this webinar if you want to learn more about the ins and outs of publishing contracts and how they apply to your book project by clicking the button below.

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