By Jennifer S. Wilkov, host of the “Your Book Is Your Hook!” Show on WomensRadio
This week on the “Your Book Is Your Hook!” Show, Penny Sansevieri, CEO and Founder of Author Marketing Experts, Inc., will talk with radio personality and host Jennifer S. Wilkov about effective book marketing tips and techniques as well as how authors should be using their books as their hook.
Ms Sansevieri will share best practices for marketing your book including where authors should begin, how to best work with the book marketing expert you hire and whether the self-published author really has to work that much harder than a traditionally published author to get the same kind of exposure. An industry expert for more than 10 years, she will also share her perspective of the future of the book publishing industry.
Kimberlie Dykeman, author of Pure Soapbox: A Cleansing Jolt of Perspective, Motivation and Humor, will discuss with radio personality and host Jennifer S. Wilkov the evolution of how her book and brand came about, how she got published, and how she is using her book as her hook.
Spanning the dynamic platform of the SOAPBOX® brand, Ms. Dykeman will talk about her rise in the ranks of two of the most challenging fields: publishing and entertainment. As an on-camera personality, executive producer and international spokesperson as well as a motivation expert, she will reveal not only how her book continues to expand her brand but also how she has engaged and enrolled a well-known charity, LIVESTRONG™, as a beneficiary of her book’s success.
In the Education Corner, host Jennifer S. Wilkov will be talking about using your book as your hook for your brand.