By Jennifer S. Wilkov, host of the “Your Book Is Your Hook!” Show on WomensRadio
Click Here to listen this interview any time after 9:00 am EST Tuesday January 25th, 2011 on the WomensRadio Network
Peter Shankman, the founder and creator of Help A Reporter Out (HARO), the founder & CEO of The Geek Factory Inc., and the author of two books, will appear as a guest on the Your Book Is Your Hook! Show on Mr. Shankman will talk about how authors can leverage the Help A Reporter Out service for writing their next book and for connecting more quickly with journalists and the media. He’ll also discuss why he wrote his latest book, Customer Service: New Rules for a Social Media World.
NEW YORK, NY (January 25th – January 31st, 2011): Peter Shankman, the founder and creator of Help A Reporter Out (HARO), the founder and CEO of The Geek Factory Inc., and the author of two books, will talk with radio personality and host Jennifer S. Wilkov about how authors can connect more quickly and easily with the media.
Mr. Shankman will discuss how authors can leverage the Help A Reporter Out (HARO) service for both writing their next book and finding interviewees as well as for answering direct inquiries from journalists and the media seeking expert interviewees for their own assignments. He’ll also share examples of some outrageous PR stunts that authors can do to attract the attention of the media and he’ll reveal his perspective on how writers can be using social media more effectively.
Peter Shankman is also the author of two books including his latest book, Customer Service: New Rules for a Social Media World, and he will discuss with radio personality and host Jennifer S. Wilkov why he wrote this book and how he’s using it as his hook to help authors and companies better understand how they can use social media to provide great customer service.
Mr. Shankman will also talk about the importance of tapping into the conversation online and listening to what your customers, advisors and markets are really saying. He’ll also reveal how to avoid wasting time with platforms that won’t help you and how to make sure everyone hears your customers when they compliment you.
Host Jennifer S. Wilkov will discuss how authors can provide great customer service during her Education Corner segment on the show.
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