By Jennifer S. Wilkov, host of the “Your Book Is Your Hook!” Show on WomensRadio
Kendra Stitt Robins, Founder and Executive Director of Project Night Night, will talk with radio personality and host Jennifer S. Wilkov about her humble beginnings and the creation of the Project Night Night organization.
Ms. Robins will also discuss why what’s inside a precious Night Night package that gets delivered to a child in a homeless shelter makes a big difference in their good night’s sleep. She’ll also let authors know how they can participate in this massive effort to help homeless children nationwide get a good night’s sleep.
Mya Sandi Aung, Manager of Community Education for Heifer International, will discuss with radio personality and host Jennifer S. Wilkov the efforts of Heifer International to work with communities worldwide to end hunger and poverty and care for the earth.
Ms. Aung will also talk specifically about the Read To Feed Program for children, parents and teachers in schools to help foster the child’s enthusiasm for reading books while learning that they can make a difference for others less fortunate.
Host Jennifer S. Wilkov will discuss what a blessing it is to provide this show and its valuable interviews and insights for authors during her 1st Anniversary Show Education Corner segment during the show.
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If you have questions about any of these interviews or the education corner topic included in the show, please put them here in this discussion thread and I’d be happy to answer them.