By Jennifer S. Wilkov, host of the “Your Book Is Your Hook!” Show on WomensRadio
This week on the “Your Book Is Your Hook!” Show, Yuval Marcus, intellectual property attorney at Leason Ellis LLP in New York, will talk with radio personality and host Jennifer S. Wilkov about copyrights and trademarks for authors, how to submit for these and when these rights really begin.
Mr. Marcus will also discuss the difference between copyrights and trademarks, why filing in the U.S. doesn’t necessarily protect your rights overseas and what authors need to know when they use their book title as a brand. He’ll also talk to recent conflicts about copyrights that have arisen in the book industry including the Google Book Settlement.
Author, first time Emmy Award winner and domestic violence and cancer survivor Aurea McGarry will discuss with radio personality and host Jennifer S. Wilkov why she felt it was important to write and share her personal story with others through her book, I Won’t Survive…I’ll Thrive. She’ll also discuss how she chose to publish it and how she’s using her book as her hook to help inspire others to accomplish their dreams when faced with any challenge or condition.
Ms. McGarry will also talk about why authors should not be afraid to share their personal stories with others and why writing these could help heal more than the author because they lend support to every reader.
Host Jennifer S. Wilkov will talk about five reasons why sharing your story through your book could make it a whole business during her Education Corner segment during the show.
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