By Jennifer S. Wilkov, host of the “Your Book Is Your Hook!” Show on WomensRadio
This week on the “Your Book Is Your Hook!” Show, Marc Harty, CEO of MainTopic Media, Inc., will talk with radio personality and host Jennifer S. Wilkov about press release marketing and how to work effectively with this often misunderstood publicity tool.
Mr. Harty will share best practices for using press release marketing in conjunction with other book marketing strategies as well as specific tips, techniques and resources. Known as the 30 Minute PR guy, he will also differentiate online PR from traditional PR methods and share how authors can leverage their time, energy and efforts by using press release marketing.
Dr. Charles Glassman, author of “Brain Drain: The Breakthrough That Will Change Your Life,” and also known as The Coach MD, will discuss with radio personality and host Jennifer S. Wilkov the evolution of how his book came about, why he chose to self-publish it, how he won several awards for it, how he’s using his book as his hook and a few of the techniques he has used to market it.
Dr. Glassman will reveal how his book evolved from his initial writings to encourage a single patient between office visits to a newsletter for all of his patients and at last into a book. He will talk about how he published the book and why his book has really hooked everyone, including himself, with a therapeutic way of keeping an eye on the positive parts of life.