By Guest Blogger, Beth Kallman Werner,
Director of Sales and Marketing, Kirkus Media,
Click Here to listen to Beth’s interview any time after 9:00 am EST Tuesday June 29th, 2010 on the WomensRadio Network.
Why get a book review?
Book reviews can help to:
• boost exposure and credibility for an up-and-coming author
• promote a new title from an established author
• revive a previously published title
• attract attention from agents
• generate attention from TV/film media execs
• pinpoint areas the author may want to revisit and work on
• support marketing efforts in advertising, press kits, online promotions, interviews, trailers
Reviews are a key element in any successful author marketing strategy.
What are the three best ways to use a book review?
1) Keep in mind: only blurbs are needed to give a favorable impression. Use strong points and the best quotes from as many credible sources as possible. Target specific audience layers including sellers, readers, book clubs, special interest associations and others. Book reviews can mean endorsements that get people to buy your book.
2) Print book review quotes on jacket covers. Quote reviews in book interviews and during the opening and closing of book trailers.
3) Add book reviews to your press kit, on your website and to the intro package that you send to agents, entertainment media and/or publishers. Quote book reviews on your Twitter and Facebook pages.
Use the best portions of your book reviews to shine favorable light on your book wherever and whenever possible.
When is it recommended to have a book reviewed?
The time to start thinking about marketing your book is when you start writing the book (if not before). Unless your book is a deeply personal exercise with no plan or dream of commercial success, the path toward that success needs to take the writing journey with you.
The ideal time to have a book reviewed is when the book is completely finished, edited and proofed, but not yet published. That way when review comments are considered, the author still has the option to agree and act on them, before it’s too late. Edits after final editing can be a powerful way to use book reviews.
If the book has already been published, even if it was published years ago, a review can help to revive it and bring new attention to older titles.
Once you start putting together a marketing plan for your book, be sure to remember that reviews are an essential piece of any integrated book selling program.
How can an author submit for review?
Kirkus Discoveries, a division of Kirkus Media, LLC, was launched in 2004 to serve indie and past-published authors who wouldn’t otherwise get reviewed in Kirkus Reviews. A good review by either Kirkus brand (when achieved) can be a key link between remaining unknown and being discovered for success.
For more information about how to submit your book for a KIRKUS DISCOVERIES review, go to, or send questions to
Cheers and best wishes to everyone for a Healthy and Happy Summer.
Beth Kallman Werner
Director of Sales & Marketing, Kirkus Media
570-686-1214 or