By Guest Blogger, Anitra Frazier
Author of The Natural Cat
Click Here to hear Anitra’s interview with Jennifer at 9:00 am EST on the WomensRadio Network
When I first wrote The Natural Cat, I fully expected that it would take clients away from me. I was, after all, freely giving away as much help and information as possible.
Much to my surprise, instead of losing clients, my book has greatly increased my business. Conversely, my house calls and telephone consultations help sell the book.
The Natural Cat teaches the human caregiver how to practice prevention on a daily basis, building and enhancing their cats’ immune system, health and beauty more and more over time. Seeing the splendid results, people reach out for more individually tailored information.
If a crisis arises, the conventional veterinarian may suggest a drug or surgery that sets off alarm bells in the mind of the caregiver. Many feel helpless and frightened.
The Natural Cat book supplies a wealth of information from the holistic point of view. Over 50 diseases are explained. The conventional treatments and their inherent dangers are described. The book then offers supportive therapies that minimize these dangers and, better yet, the holistic alternatives that are now available with clear, step-by-step instructions.
The knowledge of these safe holistic options goes a long way towards empowering and reassuring a concerned caregiver. This is also the time when many seek a private consultation.
Whether consulting by phone or making a house call locally here in N.Y., the private consultation gives me the opportunity to ask many individual questions and to enable the caregiver to do more for the beloved patient than they ever thought possible.
I like to put the control into the hands of the loving caregiver, where it should be. Whether used by people I will never meet or by my private clients, The Natural Cat helps caregivers avoid pitfalls and enhances their ability to ensure a healthy, happy life for the cats they love.
Click Here to hear Anitra’s interview with Jennifer at 9:00 am EST on the WomensRadio Network