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8 Simple Steps to Make Your Synopsis Stand Out (Workshop) - for a Novel, Film, Book, Course or Your Agent

A 2.5-hour virtual workshop with Jennifer S. Wilkov and Kelly Thomas, Associate Literary Agent

If you have a manuscript or screenplay and are preparing to submit your book or pitch deck to agents, publishers or producers, you need an impactful, thoughtfully crafted synopsis to convey your story clearly.

As professionally published writers, we can tell you that writing a bad synopsis is worse than writing no synopsis at all. Making the synopsis for your story stand out to the best agents, publishers, directors and producers is our specialty.

So if you want to learn how to make your synopsis stand out, you’re in the right place!

The truth is you need a great synopsis for all writing projects: novels, films, books, and courses. Your future agent, publisher, director or producer wants to see your abilities and that includes succinct writing that packs a powerful punch. When you write a synopsis correctly, it should do both.

The “Make Your Synopsis Stand Out Workshop” offers insider expertise and critiques from two publishing professionals:

Jennifer S. Wilkov is a multi #1 international, best-selling, award-winning author; an award-winning freelance writer, a professional developmental editor (EFA), and a sought-after book and business consultant. As The Literary Agent Matchmaker(TM) with nearly 20 years of experience, she has assisted multiple writers with their synopsis for their submissions.

Kelly Thomas is an Associate Literary Agent at Serendipity Literary Agency; a published poet and ghostwriter; a certified copy editor (WDU); and professional freelance editor.

In this 2.5-hour workshop, Jennifer and Kelly will provide live feedback on your synopsis and a step-by-step breakdown of it—from beginning to end.

    In this very elite workshop, you'll learn:

    To support your writing process, we will also give you:

    Two personalized evaluations of your synopsis with detailed written critiques and suggestions for correcting areas of concern.

    Jennifer and Kelly will also help you discern the essential elements that drive your story forward and how to best incorporate them into your synopsis.


    You will have the added benefit of being part of a small group where you can listen to and learn from other evaluations and apply what you hear to your synopsis.

    Hands-On Help:

    You will have the unique experience of a Live Q&A session with Jennifer and Kelly where you can get specific answers to your questions about making your synopsis stand out.

    Who this “make your synopsis stand out” workshop is for:

    Fiction and Nonfiction writers (all genres) of books and films who are seeking more than just a critique with notes and want more of a conversation with professionals about the synopsis for their individual projects.

    Get professional feedback. Align your synopsis with your story.
    Submit with confidence.


    There are only 6 SEATS in each workshop. The workshop will close when 6 seats have been filled to allow us to pay close attention to each participant and their synopsis.

    Requirement: Writing participants must submit a 1,500-word (max) synopsis for review 1 week in advance of workshop date. (Follow Kelly’s guideline of not using less than an 11-point font for it.)

    Workshops are held from 7:00 – 9:30 pm Eastern Time and available for registration on:

    Synopsis Workshop Date / Synopsis Draft Due for Critiques:

    Cancellation Policy

    What is your cancellation policy? Registrants will have until ten days before their registered workshop date to cancel their registration and receive a full refund. Cancellations within ten days of a registered workshop date require written notification and are subject to a 50% cancellation fee. Please contact us at to inform us of the cancellation. All refunds will be made back to the original credit card used to register. Refunds after the registered workshop date will not be made.

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